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    Track & Trace

    Securitas' Security Track and Trace system offers a comprehensive solution for monitoring and managing security assets in real time. By leveraging advanced technology and data analytics, it enhances operational efficiency and accountability across various environments.

    Rastreo Satelital GPS de Securitas

    Linked to our Securitas Operations Centre

    Any movement of the registered vehicle or object will be notified to the Securitas Operations Center and to the owner when using the Track & Trace app.

    Comprehensive Solution

    Securitas ‘Track and Trace’ solutions incorporate the latest technology and devices to protect individuals and your fleet of vehicles around the world. We provide an all-in-one, preventative solution including personal alarms and GPS technology so you have visibility of your valuable assets wherever they might be.

    Patrulla de Securitas en la ciudad

    Working with Securitas offers:

    • Guaranteed, quick response in emergency situations
    • 24/7 service (SOC)
    • Real time updates, monitoring and communication on security status
    • Highly trained, remote operations teams ready to pick up and respond to alerts
    • Access to the latest technology, knowledge and people at competitive prices.
    Remote guard monitoring security cameras with AI-powered technology to detect threats and verify the alarm.

    * = mandatory fields

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